Actionable Ideas:
1st This is the philosopher I follow most; C.S. Peirce, bar none. No matter how many times I read the more recent others, their own writings always refer back to something more basic in Peirce -
Imo, Peirce is still the most complete and factually useful philosopher of all history’s philosophers, especially and mainly since he’s a logician as well as a scientist in many other fields, including the complex maths. I find more methods and methodologies - what philosophy is truly about - in Peirce than all the others put together, since he single-handedly created more of his own than any ‘one’ other, and also studied, recorded and used theirs as well, while giving full credit to them all, making him the most complete index of the wisest men on Earth. So, if you want tools for investigation of ideas, it’s impossible to top Peirce - in toto, imo.
My Basic Methods Synopsis:
I seriously don’t think we can do successful science of philosophy, philosophy of science, or even a lot of philosophy proper, without a sound methodological category articulation, definition and model system, to begin with -- Thus, I advocate using Peirce’s system of many systems, as the best, and most useful modern system interpretation of methodological category articulation, definition and model philosophy possible -- It’s imo, the most complete architectonic philosophical system of noumenal-epistemic-ontolic-phenomenolic-physics and science, that exists -- Why…? Because; It covers every subject under the sun -- including the 1st philosophy of metaphysics, as a general 1st descriptor of ideas…
I’ll start with a provocative “title-assertion” and a more serious quote, then state what philosophy means to me, and generally how I use it.
A Question of Philosophical-Political Involvement: - “Is there a way not to become polarized, if you enter this Deep State Cave…?” (As I see all who enter, are polar brainwashed into its many wrong-headed preceptions, ideologies and dogmas)
C.S. Peirce says: Quote:
“The elements of every concept enter into logical thought at the gate
of PERCEPTION and make their exit at the gate of PURPOSIVE ACTION;
and whatever cannot show its passports at both those two gates
is to be ARRESTED as unauthorized by REASON.”
(Peirce’s quote is a general finite logical scientific language editor, to edit the wheat from the chaff. I don’t think any successful philosophy can be done, without doing this - 1st, especially as to basic definitions and meanings.)
Now; “What does philosophy mean to me?” I’ve worked all my life with a single goal in mind - To develop ideas and systems worthy of the possibility of changing the laws of the nation and possibly even the world - where needs be, to be more amenable to the yearnings of myself; and to those of other people. So, I asked myself; “What was my initial essential question?”
And that was; “Where was I to find the exact information I would need to accomplish my goals, in this massive Universal mountain of information?” -- My grandfather had years before suggested - Money, Law & Logic were key - but, where was I to accurately find all this information I was seeking? After thinking, asking, investigating and long years of studies, I realized philosophy offered the areas, with the most basic, deep, and far-reaching, information I was looking for.
Then the quest began in earnest - slogging through the many, many philosophers, historians, logicians, lawyers, scientists, mathematicians and economists, I finally found all the fundamental answers I was initially looking for about money, law, logic and mathematics - and just exactly how philosophy was needed to explain it all successfully. That took a solid twenty years, plus another twenty years filtering that massive mountain of thoughts and ideas into facts and proofs, I could be satisfied with. I found most of the information in the many histories of philosophy I studied, so the respect I have for it is huge, even though my attitude can be less than desired, at times, please take me with a grain of salt.
To me, philosophy is a means to an end - an end (meaning effects/conclusions) of an idea - an end (solution) of a problem - application to the solution to the ends of history, per say - solutions to the historical, political, legal and economic problems of Earth (past, present and future, triadically teleologically analyzed) - or just plain ol’ general methods and methodologies applied to all sorts of (Quote:) “finite understanding” realities. Now, notice I’ve quoted and italicized the “finite understanding”, as I don’t intend to mean this applies to any of the private “talismanic language uses”, as per the many mythic, mystic and boutique languages available to non-scientists - As I mean this to apply to the finite scientific understanding only, the only understanding I accept as valid. (holler all you want) I purposely limit it to the “finite understanding”, as this is what the logic, maths and measurements of philosophy and science have taught me to do, and the main idea I like most about philosophy is its offering of such powerful tools for the careful and precise discrimination of essential and intelligent thought, in all areas of thought, and when properly and fully applied, give amazing factual and proof results, in the fields the tools are accurately applied to, as far as I’m concerned. Historically, when fully used, “I” find nothing missing. I know others will strongly disagree with this.
A Quoted Question: "Is a grand unified theory of information possible?"
Imo, If you were to simply choose to build this already mentioned, powerful finite language clarification editor quote of Charles Sanders Peirce, into your own full-blown conceptual, logical, finite quantification, path grounding system, I have no doubt, you could create the most true, honest and accurate personal self-interpreter possible -- That's how important I feel it is; AGAIN, QUOTE: “The elements of every concept enter into logical thought at the gate of PERCEPTION and make their exit at the gate of PURPOSIVE ACTION; and whatever cannot show its passports at both those two gates is to be ARRESTED as unauthorized by REASON...”
Imo, nothing of philosophy, humanism and/or science is more analytically important and useful...
Finally: A general analyses of the possible and impossible separations, integrations and uses of all of these mentioned methods, used by way of the editing methods also mentioned above, should go a long way toward greatly assisting in the creation and institution of new ideas and possible methods of creating new laws to resolve some of the major problems facing our world, today, when fully integrated with the scientific methods and methodologies philosophy truly offers, if people would but pay close attention, to the exactness she offers. Imo; “We can’t just waddle out our ideas without having full and complete methods of achieving our goals of the real political, legal and social changes so sorely needed…”
I simply ask; Please use many methods of deep thought, before you choose any serious actions. And, that’s what philosophy, in a short note, truly means to me”. Thank you.
The End
Some of the world’s ‘best’ universal/international, aggregate logical minds this author owes a great debt to __ Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Archytas, Eudoxus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, Cicero, Seneca, Boethius, Ibn Al-Haytham, Al-Biruni, Ibn Sina, Albertus Magnus, Duns Scotus, William of Ockham, Jean Buridan, Nicholas De Cusa, Juan Vives, John Wallis, Francis Bacon, Giordano Bruno, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, Robert Boyle, Baruch Spinoza, Christiaan Huygens, Hugo Grotius, John Locke, Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibnitz, Thomas Reid, Alexander Baumgarten, Moses Mendelssohn, Immanuel Kant, George Washington, John Marshall, Alexander Hamilton, James Wilson, Giambattista Vico, Bernard Bolzano, Tom Paine, Évariste Galois, William Whewell, Auguste Comte, J.C. Bose, S.W. Hamilton, W.R. Hamilton, George Boole, Augustus De Morgan, William K. Clifford, Alexander Bain, William Stanley Jevons, R.H. Lotze, Charles S. Peirce, Thorsten Veblen, William Minto, Mark Twain, Christine Ladd-Franklin, Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac, Max H. Fisch, S.N. Bose, Jan Lukasiewicz, J.M. Keynes, Arthur Prior, Kurt GÖdel, Mikhail Bakhtin, Clarence I. Lewis, Alfred Tarski, John Wheeler, Joseph Ransdell, Roderick Chisholm, Nathan Houser, Patrick Coppock, Phyllis Chiasson, Herbert Feigl, Hans Jonas, Peter McLaughlin, Nicholas Rescher, Jay Zeman, James R. Wible, John F. Sowa, K.O. Apel, Irving Anellis, Sami Paavola, T.L. Short, Joseph Brent, Fernando Zalamea, Ahti Pietarinen, Susan Haack, Albert Casullo, Joseph L. Esposito, Theodora Achourioti, and Igor Naletov, Daniel Andler, Maria Chiara, Giorgio Agamben, Lucianno Floridi, etc.…(just a short list)
The Triadic Maxim___Any Idea; “Arithmetically check all possible effects, against all possibles of premises, and the combined results will be the total actions of the idea.”